The Dexter Experience

Archive for August, 2013|Monthly archive page

Choosing a Real Estate Agent

In Dexter on August 31, 2013 at 7:11 am

As a highly experienced Realtor with the requisite awards and classifications to show for it, I have found that at the end of the day, this is a referral based business. Relationships and reputation trump tech bells and whistles, each and every time.  


I conduct business in markets where home owners and buyers know who their community real estate players are like they know sports teams and top field performers. If you are not in one of those places, an excellent street level and unscientific method is to see who’s names are consistently found on For Sale signs throughout the neighborhood. But make sure there is an occasional “In Escrow” or “Sold” banner on top of those posts, as you don’t want to see many listings that are simply not moving. This is especially true when seeking a Sellers (listing) agent.


For buyers, it’s a little more work, but your network is your first point of contact.. Once you have several names, the research is as simple as Google makes it. The best agents have a positive record of successful transactions, a strong online presence and always willing to refer you to the best fit if you are seeking a home in unfamiliar territory or type of property. The lakefront specialist may not be your condominium resource in the city, but the best, ethical and smart Realtor knows who is.


A word of advice if I may. While many Realtors understand the value of information and putting out as much as possible about their listings, you will want your own representation with the offer. It is the job of the listing agent to sell the features functions and benefits of what you are looking at – your own agent’s value is in the negotiation and truth of that information.

SoLoMo Consulting

Do you need a real estate agent when you start looking for a house? What makes a good real estate agent? Is good relative to whether you are buying or selling?

 From my new Kindle eBook Buying a House Using Apps, Maps and Location Based Services: (In case you weren’t aware, you don’t need to own a Kindle, you can download free software for your PC, tablet or mobile from Amazon.)

“I’m very harsh on real estate agents. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because of how they call every small house ‘charming’ and every run-down house a ‘great fixer-upper’. Just once, I’d like them to show me a house and declare, ‘This one’s a piece of crap’.” – Stephan Pastis

I recently wrote a review on a new iPad application from Auckland Realtor, Barfoot & Thompson. You can read the review here. The application comes…

View original post 886 more words

Is It Solely Because Macklemore Is White? (I Think Not)

In Thought Provoking on August 30, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Davey’s post is linked below.

Is It Solely Because Macklemore Is White? (I Think Not)

A rebuttal regarding Davey D’s latest Blog post: 

Macklemore himself would also confirm; his rise has been a years long journey that took tremendous amount of work and a team effort from Seattle. Yes, there has been an edge with the “safety” of his music, but was that the secret to this success earned? No. 

As someone who knows every single urban/rap artist in the Great Northwest, I submit that 95% do not have the work ethic or commitment to the game Mack’s had get to where he is. He’s had the same blocks (addiction, depression), the same start as everyone else here. His story is not only a case study about the new music business, but an example of what kind of team it takes to make dreams happen, starting with a girlfriend/fiance’, manager, producer, and music booker – all who had no so called Major label experience or insider status.

Was that so wrong? Celebrate Macklemore. Now, as far as Miley goes………. No Comment!

An Open Letter to Bigot Diners

In Thought Provoking on August 28, 2013 at 7:40 am

In case you thought Seattle was this PC city full of wonderful, intelligent people who have your back. Who knew? #WeDo (a retired blog)

Dear Customers,

We are honored that you have decided to dine at Mashiko.  We know that there are many fine restaurants in Seattle, so we thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

The thing that saddens us is that some of our customers are bigots.  This letter is address to them.  To everyone else, thanks for not being a bigot.

To the bigoted diners:  We find your ignorant comments to our staff offensive.  When you then post them online, you prove to the entire world how cowardly and small you are.  Our main points of contention are as follows:

1)            We are a Japanese restaurant because we serve Japanese food.  And yes, we have Japanese ownership.  We also have several employees of Japanese descent.  But that shouldn’t matter.  By claiming that there are no Japanese people working at Mashiko, you are not only incorrect, you are also demonstrating what…

View original post 316 more words

This Should Have Been The Seattle Video Of Summer 2013

In Dexter on August 23, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Honestly, I don’t know what’s up with the marketplace today. This video says everything. Noir’ish, jazzy, Pulp Fiction’ish, and a huge statement about the commodity of hiphop culture, as presented by the new Blues Brothers.

I love it.

Meet The Bad Tenants.

What The New Music Business Looks Like.

In Dexter on August 20, 2013 at 11:47 am

Proving yet again how It’s About The Content, Stupid – the ADD – All Def Digital channel has made moves this week with an exclusive video distribution deal with Seattle artist, Sonny Bonoho.

We’re watching how this plays out closely. Never known for being idle, Russell Simmons and Steve Rifkind have collaborated to meet the demands of new music Industry independance and experiment with this brave new world of record promotion.

They haven’t signed Sonny’s music. They signed his video.

Yes. His video.

This is a profound shift and one that needs to be studied.

And yes, Content is still King.

In the meantime; Seattle loves you Sonny Bonoho. Congratulations. Well deserved.

Why this red-hot tattoo boom is bound to end with regret. Again

In Life on August 17, 2013 at 12:19 am

Tatt a tatt tatt…..
The market is changing.

Eat Drink Love – The Vine Review

In Life on August 16, 2013 at 11:08 am

As attention spans these days are really measured in seconds, I needed to find a way to efficiently and clearly write a review about Eat Drink Love and the trainwreck they call L.A. Foodie Scene From The Cute Girls Perspective.


How To Create A Hit Record In 7 Seconds

In Dexter on August 2, 2013 at 9:18 am

Artists take note. Vine has changed the music game. Combine comedy videos by Dem White Boyz on Vine and this Single – ‘EARTHQUAKE’ by DJ Fresh vs Diplo – and voila, you’re now part of a viral campaign that builds out this record.

If I were you, I’d start putting together your visuals and beats immediately. This is the new music marketing tool.

Take heed. Twerking pays.