The Dexter Experience

Archive for the ‘Thought Provoking’ Category

Islands of Seattle?

In Life, Thought Provoking on February 20, 2014 at 11:58 pm

What if all of the earth’s ice melted? Here’s what Seattle would look like –

Islands of Seattle.

Is It Solely Because Macklemore Is White? (I Think Not)

In Thought Provoking on August 30, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Davey’s post is linked below.

Is It Solely Because Macklemore Is White? (I Think Not)

A rebuttal regarding Davey D’s latest Blog post: 

Macklemore himself would also confirm; his rise has been a years long journey that took tremendous amount of work and a team effort from Seattle. Yes, there has been an edge with the “safety” of his music, but was that the secret to this success earned? No. 

As someone who knows every single urban/rap artist in the Great Northwest, I submit that 95% do not have the work ethic or commitment to the game Mack’s had get to where he is. He’s had the same blocks (addiction, depression), the same start as everyone else here. His story is not only a case study about the new music business, but an example of what kind of team it takes to make dreams happen, starting with a girlfriend/fiance’, manager, producer, and music booker – all who had no so called Major label experience or insider status.

Was that so wrong? Celebrate Macklemore. Now, as far as Miley goes………. No Comment!

An Open Letter to Bigot Diners

In Thought Provoking on August 28, 2013 at 7:40 am

In case you thought Seattle was this PC city full of wonderful, intelligent people who have your back. Who knew? #WeDo (a retired blog)

Dear Customers,

We are honored that you have decided to dine at Mashiko.  We know that there are many fine restaurants in Seattle, so we thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

The thing that saddens us is that some of our customers are bigots.  This letter is address to them.  To everyone else, thanks for not being a bigot.

To the bigoted diners:  We find your ignorant comments to our staff offensive.  When you then post them online, you prove to the entire world how cowardly and small you are.  Our main points of contention are as follows:

1)            We are a Japanese restaurant because we serve Japanese food.  And yes, we have Japanese ownership.  We also have several employees of Japanese descent.  But that shouldn’t matter.  By claiming that there are no Japanese people working at Mashiko, you are not only incorrect, you are also demonstrating what…

View original post 316 more words

An Open Letter To Disney

In Thought Provoking on July 30, 2013 at 6:35 am

Dear Disney,

For weeks now I’ve been sorting out why I’m so troubled about your connection to the Zimmerman case and the now infamous Stand Your Ground law. After all, how on earth is your business even remotely aligned to that sordid mess? But tonight, just a few hours ago, I had a “lightbulb” moment. It was during an online argument with associates of another publicly traded Company who occasionally hold conference business in Orlando, Florida (something I vehemently object to until Stand Your Ground is repealed) that it suddenly, painfully dawned upon me exactly how your Organization is tied to it all and why I’m sick about it.

I’m a huge fan of yours. Your parks bring out the kid in all of us. A very recent visit to the original Disneyland after 25 years absence was a joyous day, for me. 

Trayvon Martin was a typical teenager. Perhaps he even visited DisneyWorld as a child and throughout his youth, with family and friends. All families want to do that. All friends want to do that.  Disney is an American rite of passage and an integral part of our Society. This comes with great responsibility and care for the dreams and aspirations of children. More than a few great minds have been inspired as young people by the Disney vision of how we should feel about ourselves and others. What child doesn’t want a family like The Lion King’s ?

But now, the heartaching truth about you, Disney. Your flagship, DisneyWorld, sits in center of a State that kills children and gets away with it under the falsehoods of Stand Your Ground.

While families from around the world come to enjoy the Magic Kingdom, outside your fabled walls is a living nightmare that is the rest of Florida. 

Yes, it’s true how you have absolutely no control of the outside world that is Florida. You cannot monitor the terrible acts of people who didn’t learn anything from viewing Snow White. Still, there is something about you we do recognize: 

You are a tax base for a rotten legislative and law enforcement cancer.

As painful as it has become to recognize about you, my friend, my hero; you are feeding the problem. Therefore, a growing Movement that I’ve joined has to do with boycotting you and all publicly traded companies doing business in Florida. 

Change is going to be difficult. Some of my own contacts and acquaintances have severed ties regarding my own stand. But that’s ok. Change begins with the first step. I’m just one person out here with a strong opinion, but know there are others who feel the same. Together, we’re going to make a go of this. 

We’re going to speak with the one thing that matters to Corporate America.

Our Money.

As this is modern society, I may take a plane to march on Washington D.C. August 24th – most likely run by an airline that also has routes to Florida, so I can’t be a purist. But I’m following the money. I’m watching the dollar trail. And after it’s said and done in Florida, we’ll look at all the other places where variation of this hideous statute exists where children can be cut down for not meeting our own standard of appearance.

In the meantime, I ask you to consider carefully what it really means to manifest your Brand, for the children.


The Paula Deen Equation

In Dexter, Thought Provoking on June 30, 2013 at 4:22 pm

The Paula Deen Equation

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ – link to an interesting blog post.

Trying to see both sides as I don’t know a thing about what really happened and I appreciate your research, and am taking your word for it how you did look into documents. However, links and infographic proving your points would have been compelling. I’m sure Ms. Deen is a nice person, but what exactly was taken out of context in transcripts? Where exactly can we find examples of media distortion vs. the truth? Perhaps we’ll learn more from a publication such as Vanity Fair, as this post doesn’t really present a good defense. In fact, for those of us in the west, it supports the idea that the south has its own set of rules and hasn’t yet caught up with the idea that most of us outside of, say, rap music circles, find use of certain words disgusting and inappropriate, no matter how wonderful a work environment or interpersonal relationship seems to be.

And yes, an apology video for something Ms. Deen didn’t do? A huge mistake. Perhaps her own Stand Your Ground strategy would have kept some of the wolves at bay. I for one am under the impression that Ms. Deen and her PR team are clueless as to how that appeared to open minded but confused people like me. It may go down as a a Tammy Fay viral, but is it the truth?


The 5 Creepiest Ways Major Companies Are Watching You

In Thought Provoking on April 13, 2013 at 10:23 am

That awkward moment when all that you thought might be happening really is:


The 5 Creepiest Ways Major Companies Are Watching You.

Black History Month – Literature – Derek Walcott and Langston Hughes

In Thought Provoking on February 26, 2012 at 10:30 am

Black History Month – Literature – Derek Walcott and Langston Hughes.

My WonderLand

In Thought Provoking on February 2, 2012 at 10:34 am

My WonderLand.


I found this haunting and touching.