The Dexter Experience

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In Uncategorized on September 21, 2012 at 7:46 pm

The Empire Avenue community rallies behind Michael Todd.

Social Media News !!


A Campaign has been created by our dearest friend Jackie Bigford  in Indiegogo To save on of our dearest friend Michael Q Todd 

He is working on a mission to stop Dolphin’s Slaughter in Taji at Japan, few relevant Document on whats happening in Taiji and what it is all about click the link below 

1——–   Stop Dolphin’s Slaughter in Taiji

2——-  Stop Dolphin’s Salughter 

Michael was visiting Taiji Japan, on Sunday September 16th, where the infamous killing cove is located where thousands of dolphins and whales are brutally captured and slaughtered every year.

Michael was in Taiji on a campaign . The campaign hired Michael as the core Japanese interpreter for a Canadian documentary. He was asked to produce his passport.  He is in Japan on a Visa and it has run out. He was arrested and has been remanded to a Detention Centre until his case…

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