The Dexter Experience

Archive for June, 2013|Monthly archive page

The Paula Deen Equation

In Dexter, Thought Provoking on June 30, 2013 at 4:22 pm

The Paula Deen Equation

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ – link to an interesting blog post.

Trying to see both sides as I don’t know a thing about what really happened and I appreciate your research, and am taking your word for it how you did look into documents. However, links and infographic proving your points would have been compelling. I’m sure Ms. Deen is a nice person, but what exactly was taken out of context in transcripts? Where exactly can we find examples of media distortion vs. the truth? Perhaps we’ll learn more from a publication such as Vanity Fair, as this post doesn’t really present a good defense. In fact, for those of us in the west, it supports the idea that the south has its own set of rules and hasn’t yet caught up with the idea that most of us outside of, say, rap music circles, find use of certain words disgusting and inappropriate, no matter how wonderful a work environment or interpersonal relationship seems to be.

And yes, an apology video for something Ms. Deen didn’t do? A huge mistake. Perhaps her own Stand Your Ground strategy would have kept some of the wolves at bay. I for one am under the impression that Ms. Deen and her PR team are clueless as to how that appeared to open minded but confused people like me. It may go down as a a Tammy Fay viral, but is it the truth?


A Word About The Macklemore USA Tour

In Uncategorized on June 26, 2013 at 6:30 pm

Clickthrough photo for video.

All I’m saying is that after waiting 20 years for something like the Macklemore phenom to happen, we need to consider reaching back to the next generation of hiphop artists in Seattle / Portland / Spokane / Salt Lake City / Boise onward who are doing real business.

I’m too Mr. Miyagi not to speak on it. And BTW, even if it’s 50% of the tour, there is a long list of qualified MC’s or contemporary, neo soul, R&B artists from the Great Northwest who can get the job done.

While pleased that Talib Kweli is on billing – I’m #JUSTSAYING …

Macklemore won’t mind the rant of an old music Has Been here anyway. #OKbye